New Mexico Victim’s Rights Project Newsletter June – July 2024 Edition

New Mexico Victim’s Rights Project Newsletter April – May 2024 Edition
The New Mexico Victim’s Rights Project newsletter aims to keep the community informed about the latest news, resources, and developments in protecting and enforcing victim’s rights.

‘We stand with the victims’: The Navajo Nation has a sweeping new victim’s rights law

Law Enforcement Statutory Requirements
31-26-8. Procedures for providing victims with preliminary information; law enforcement agencies.
The law enforcement agency that investigates a criminal offense shall:
A. inform the victim of medical services and crisis intervention services available to victims;
B. provide the victim with the police report number for the criminal offense and a copy of the following
statement: “If within thirty days you are not notified of an arrest in your case, you may call (telephone
number for the law enforcement agency) to obtain information on the status of your case.”; and
C. provide the victim with the name of the district attorney for the judicial district in which the criminal
offense was committed and the address and telephone number for that district attorney’s office.
History: Laws 1994, ch. 144, §8.